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Local Governing Body

The Governors of Kings Furlong Infant School and Nursery have general responsibility for the effective management of the school, allowing individual needs to be met effectively. Your Governors are able to target resources and develop the nature and character of the school to meet the needs and wishes of parents, children and teachers.

The Governing Body brings a variety of skills needed in the present day governing of schools. 

Parent representatives on the Local Governing Body are an important part of our school and home partnership. Not only are they directly aware of the results of school policy on our children and are easily accessible to you the parents, but they can bring a variety of skills needed in the present day governing of schools.

For further information on roles and responsibilities for the Local Governing Body and scheme of delegation please follow this link: Scheme of Delegation

If you require any further information regarding the Governing Body or would like to view the minutes from any of the meetings, please contact the School Office. 

Chair of Governors: 

Mrs D Grimes
01256 327024 

Kings Furlong Infant School and Nursery
Upper Chestnut Drive
Basingstoke, RG21 8YJ

Headteacher Mrs L Herring
Co- Opted Governor Mr C Cheesman
Co- Opted Governor Mr D Strachan
Co-Opted Governor Mrs H Humphreys
Co-Opted Governor Mrs A Hitchings
Co-Opted Governor Mrs J Downing
Co-Opted Governor Ms H Meade
Co-Opted Governor Mrs V Dore 
Parent Governor  Mrs D Grimes
Parent Governor Mr G Harmer
Staff Governor Miss R McOmish
Clerk Mrs S Shepherd

Our next meeting date can be found in the attached schedule.