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Mental & Physical Wellbeing

Our curriculum is balanced and broadly based. It consists of all the activities designed or encouraged in the school to develop the intellectual, personal, social and physical abilities of the children.

At Kings Furlong Infant School, the importance of each child’s wellbeing underpins our philosophy and our entire pastoral support system is designed around the notion that for any child to be able to fully achieve their educational potential, they must feel safe, happy and valued whilst they are at school. We seek to equip children with life-long knowledge and skills that enable them to prosper physically, socially and emotionally. We do this through both our planned and wider curriculum.

Our carefully planned PE (Physical Education) and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) curriculums ensure progression and coverage across the entire National Curriculum and encourage children to develop into happy, confident and independent individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout their lives. Through regular sustained physical activity we seek to develop the physical wellbeing of our children, teaching them the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. Each child also participates in a weekly PSHE lesson guided by the aims and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum.

It is also our statutory duty to provide an age appropriate RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) curriculum in Years 1 and 2. Content relating to life cycles and reproduction are covered as part of the Science curriculum and relationships and health are explored thoroughly through the PSHE curriculum.