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School Uniform

The Kings Furlong School uniform colours are royal blue and gold. Uniform is available to order from Skoolkit in Basingstoke. 

Items of Clothing

  • Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt (school logo)
  • White polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Grey socks, grey or blue tights
  • Black school shoes - trainers/boots/Crocs are not permitted, open-toed sandals are not permitted for health and safety reasons.



  • Plain black/dark blue shorts, plain white T-shirt
  • Plain black/dark blue tracksuit during winter months 

Please make sure your child's name is on school clothing


Children are expected to come to school looking clean and smart each day. Fashion-wear and styles are not part of our school uniform.  Hair should not be cut any shorter than Grade 2. Shaven hair and hair dye are not permitted. Hairstyles which are extreme, which include hairstyles where the sides are much shorter than the top / back, where lines / patterns are shaved into the hair, are not permitted. Any hair which is shoulder-length or longer must be tied back at all times. Any hair accessories must be blue or black and flat to the head. 


Jewellery should not be worn in school because it may be lost or damaged and, in the case of earrings, they can be a danger. In the case of newly pierced ears, it is sometimes necessary to wear sleepers for a number of weeks. Children may not take part in P.E. if they are wearing any jewellery and if you are thinking of having your child’s ears pierced, please arrange for it to be done at the beginning of the school holiday so that they may take a full part in the P.E. curriculum upon their return to school.

It is appreciated that there may be cultural or religious reasons why children will be wearing jewellery. Consideration must then be given to making the wearing of the item safe during PE, both to protect the wearer and other participants. Staff in charge of the activity have a duty of care to ensure that the activity can be carried out safely by all participants. An item of jewellery or personal adornment that cannot be removed should be safely covered up.

Nail varnish should not be worn to school.

Nursery Uniform and Clothing

'Dress for Mess'

In the nursery, we encourage children to explore the outdoor environment, paint and other messy activities.  We do provide protective clothing but sometimes the children's enthusiasm means that they still get messy!

The children may like to wear a sweatshirt with the King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery logo.  This can be purchased from Skoolkit in Basingstoke.  

In the winter your child will need:

  • A warm, showerproof coat
  • Hat and gloves
  • Sturdy shoes
  • A pair of wellies that can be left at Nursery

In the summer your child will need:

  • A sun hat
  • Sunscreen to be applied before coming to Nursery
  • For children who will be staying all day, parents will need to provide their child's key person with a bottle of factor 30 or higher sunscreen, labelled with their child's name.

When children are toilet trained we encourage them to be independent when using the toilet.  Please ensure children wear clothing that is easy to manage.  There are times when toileting accidents occur and children do prefer to be in their own clothes.  We ask that all children have a spare set of clothing that can stay in Nursery in a named drawstring bag.